Mosquito bat circuit

hello guys..!!
Today we will reverse engineering of mosquito bat. This mosquito bat can generate 2000v to 4000v so be careful. It can harm you. Do not touch circuit during operation. 

here is the circuit diagram

here is how this circuit works:
  The joule thief concept is used in this circuit, wherein only a single NPN transistor and a center-tapped transformer execute sustainable oscillation across the two winding of the transformer. This part if circuit converts the low direct voltage to high alternating voltage. There is high frequency transformer is used. Working frequency of transformer is around 1KHz to 200KHz. After that voltage multiplayer circuit is used. In our case it is voltage trippler circuit. So the output will be approx three times the peak input voltage.This is how mosquito bat circuit works. 

here is the charging circuit diagram :-

THANK YOU for watching.


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