Bluetooth car

Hello guys...
To make Bluetooth robot you need

        parts                                                                                     buy links

  • Arduino Uno (any arduino works)                      
  • Bluetooth modules                                              
  • l298N motor driver module                                 
  • dc gear motor(100rpm) you can use higher rpm 
  • wheels                                                                  
  • robot body                                                            
  • battery pack (12v)                                                
  • LEDs 
Here is some information about L298N motor driver module

The L298 is a Dual Full Bridge driver that can drive up to 2Amps per bridge with supply voltage up to 46V. It can drive two DC motors or one stepper motors, relays, solenoids, etc.
ESP32 with DC Motor - Control Speed and Direction (With images ...
ENABLE A -- This pin is used to control speed of motor A. by keeping jumper in place, motor A is enable that means motor will spin. by removing jumper motor will stop. by applying PWM to this pin we can control speed of motor A.

ENABLE B -- This pin is used to control speed of motor B. by keeping jumper in place, motor B is enable that means motor will spin. by removing jumper motor will stop. by applying PWM to this pin we can control speed of motor B.

INPUT1 AND INPUT2 -- This pins are use to control spinning direction of motor A. One of the pin is HIGH and another is LOW, motor will spin. if Both is HIGH or LOW motor will not spin. To control the direction EN1 is HIGH and EN2 is LOW, in this condition motor will spin in one direction. if EN1 is LOW and EN2 is HIGH motor will spin another direction.

INPUT3 AND INPUT4 -- This pins are use to control spinning direction of motor B. One of the pin is HIGH and another is LOW, motor will spin. if Both is HIGH or LOW motor will not spin. To control the direction EN1 is HIGH and EN2 is LOW, in this condition motor will spin in one direction. if EN1 is LOW and EN2 is HIGH motor will spin another direction.

And other pins are clearly mention in picture.

here is the Schematic Diagram...

here is the link for code


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