
all about Ultrasonic sensor

 Hi friends. here is the diagram :-  here is code :- ---------------------------------------------------- /*  * Distance measurement using HC SR04 ultrasonic sensor and i2c 16x2 lcd  * ER BROS LAB  */ #include <Wire.h> #include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h> #define trigger 12 #define echo 13 LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 16, 2); float t = 0, distance = 0; void setup() {   lcd.begin();   lcd.backlight();   delay(100);   pinMode(trigger, OUTPUT);   pinMode(echo, INPUT);   lcd.print("Ultra sonic");   lcd.setCursor(0, 1);   lcd.print("Distance Meter");   delay(2000);   lcd.clear();   lcd.print("ER BROS LAB");   delay(2000); } void loop() {   lcd.clear();   digitalWrite(trigger, LOW);   delayMicroseconds(2);   digitalWrite(trigger, HIGH);   delayMicroseconds(10);   digitalWrite(trigger, LOW);   delayMicroseconds(2);   t = pulseIn(echo, HIGH);   distance = t * 340 / 20000;   lcd.clear();   lcd.print("Distance:");   lcd.print(distance);   lcd.print(

DIY USBASP / AVR programmer

Hello guys You will find circuit diagram, firmware , and other necessary information the link, which is given below.   here is main link of this project : Here is the diagram for basic microcontroller circuit : THANK YOU

GESTURE control with arduino

 HELLO guys. what we need :- Arduino uno apds-9960 Breadboard  Jumper wires here is the connection :- here is the code link :- here is the library :-

seven segment display with arduino

Hi ---------------------------------------------------------  here is the circuit diagram ---------------------------------------------------------- HERE is the code for without library -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /*  * ER BROS LAB  */ #define a 6 #define b 7 #define c 8 #define d 9 #define e 10 #define f 11 #define g 12 #define dp 13 void setup() {   pinMode(a, OUTPUT);   pinMode(b, OUTPUT);   pinMode(c, OUTPUT);   pinMode(d, OUTPUT);   pinMode(e, OUTPUT);   pinMode(f, OUTPUT);   pinMode(g, OUTPUT);   pinMode(dp, OUTPUT); } void n0() {   digitalWrite(a,LOW);   digitalWrite(b,LOW);   digitalWrite(c,LOW);   digitalWrite(d,LOW);   digitalWrite(e,LOW);   digitalWrite(f,LOW);   digitalWrite(g,HIGH);   digitalWrite(dp,HIGH); } void n1() {   digitalWrite(a,HIGH);   digitalWrite(b,LOW);   digitalWrite(c,LOW);   digitalWrite(d,HIGH);   digitalWri

timer switch

Hi here is the simple and very useful project. parts list ATMEGA8 (you can use atmrga328p, or any other arduino) - 1 22pf capacitor -2 16MHz crystal - 1 10K resistor - 1 100E resistors -8 push button - 1 rotary encoder with push button - 1 4 digit seven segment display - 1 relay- 1 bc547 transistor - 2 buzzer - 1 zero pcb - 1 10uf capacitor - 1 100nf capacitor - 1 some wires and male or female header pins here is the  schematic diagram here is the code link YOUTUBE LINK

PIR sensor with and without arduino

Hello guys here you can see how interface PIR sensor with and without arduino board. use of this sensor is very easy , by connecting some wires as shown in diagram you can use this sensor. here is circuit diagram :- After connection as per diagram you need to upload this simple code :- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define pir 10 #define op 13 int val; void setup() {   pinMode(pir, INPUT);   pinMode(op, OUTPUT); } void loop() {   val = digitalRead(pir);   if(val == HIGH) {     digitalWrite(op, HIGH);   }   else {     digitalWrite(op, LOW);   } } -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Simple Home Automation

Hi This is the simplest home automation using HC-05 Bluetooth module. parts you need...              components                                                                                  buy link Arduino Uno (any arduino works)                        Bluetooth module                                                  Relay module                                                                  Zero PCB 1K resistors 2K resistor 817 optocouplers  circuit diagram  here is how to connect any load or appliances with relay here is the link for code here is the link for Android app. thank you for watching